Mushroom Fry-Up

Mushroom Fry-Up

1. Wipe mushrooms clean with a clean, damp cloth, then cut them in half.

2. Heat a large frying pan over high heat for several minutes, then add the oil & get it really hot.

3. Drop the butter into the hot oil, where it will quickly sizzle & start to turn golden. BEFORE it turns brown, add the mushrooms!

4. QUICKLY cook the mushrooms for NO MORE THAN 4 1/2 to 5 minutes, stirring once or twice, until lightly browned. If the mushrooms are cooked too slowly, they will stew, give off liquid & become a soupy mess.

5. Season with black pepper & salt, then add the coriander & chives.

6. Immediately spoon the mushrooms into a serving bowl & ENJOY!


