Mussels Vinaigrette

Mussels Vinaigrette

1. Scrub mussels well and remove the beards.

2. Discard any that do not close tightly, set aside.

3. Whisk the oil and vinegar together in a bowl, then add capers, onion, pimiento, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Place one cup water in a frypan with the lemon slice.

5. Add the mussels and bring to a boil.

6. Remove the mussels as they open;cool.

7. Remove the mussel meat from the shells, reserving half the shells, and mix it into the vinaigrette.

8. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

9. Clean the reserved mussel shells well and place them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

10. Before serving, replace the mussels in the shells and spoon a small amount of the vinaigrette over.


