

1. Mix everything except the water and oil. The flour after mixing the ghee should resemble bread crumbs.

2. Start kneading by adding water little by little till the dough is smooth but not too soft. A stand mixer would be a good idea.

3. Make small balls out of the dough and keep aside.

4. Heat oil on a medium flame. Do not heat the oil too much as the Muthris will burn on the outside and stay undone on the inside.

5. Lightly dust your rolling surface with flour and use a rolling pin to roll each ball into a rough circle shape about 3-4 mm in thickness and about 3 inches in diameter and keep aside.

6. Prick the surface with a fork a few times so as to avoid the Muthris to puff up while frying. Keep aside for frying later. Roll out all the remaining balls like this.

7. Once the Muthris have been rolled out, test the oil to check its temperature by dropping a tiny ball of the dough into it. If it sizzles and rises quickly to the top, the oil is ready for frying.

8. Drop a few Muthries into the oil, do not crowd them or they will not fry well. Fry, gently turning and flipping every now and then, till the Mathris are a pale golden brown in color.

9. When done, use a slotted spoon to drain extra oil and remove the Muthris. Put them on paper towels to drain some more. Allow to cool. Store when they are at room temperature in airtight containers.

10. Muthris can be stored for up to a month.They are consumed as such or with any indian pickle as a tea time snack!


