My Beef Burgundy

My Beef Burgundy

1. First prepare the beef, cut any excess fat off and cut into roughly 2cm cubes.

2. Melt one tablespoon of the butter and olive oil over a fairly high heat.

3. Saute the meat in batches, constantly moving it around the pan.

4. It should be well and truly sealed but not cooked through.

5. Remove and drain on paper towels.

6. Repeat with remaining beef, using an additional tablespoon of butter and oil if you need it.

7. Add the last tablespoons of oil and butter to the pan with the mushrooms, onions, bacon, garlic and thyme.

8. Stir until the onions gain a little colour.

9. Add the liquids and tomato paste to the pan, scrape up all the black bits.

10. Now stir in the meat.

11. Lightly season.

12. (you may need to readjust this at the end) Turn the heat down to low and simmer covered for two to three hours.

13. Towards the end you may wish to remove the lid to thicken up the sauce.

14. (Alternatively you could use the slow cooker at this point, but you'd have two things to wash up) I serve this with bread or pasta, it really depends but I prefer fresh French bread with this.


