My Breakfast Frittata

My Breakfast Frittata

1. Turn on oven to BROIL.

2. If not already done, fry bacon and sausage in pan and drain.

3. Saute onion and peppers in a little of the bacon grease.

4. use the same non-stick (oven-safe) 9" skillet for everything.

5. Salt and pepper this at the first, then halfway through, add garlic and adjust seasoning.

6. Sauté for about 4 minutes, flipping or stirring occasionally.

7. While this is cooking and the bacon and sausage are resting.

8. Beat the 6 eggs together with the milk, cayenne and 1/4 t.

9. salt, add fresh ground pepper.

10. When onions and peppers are colored and done to your liking, mix sausage and bacon (CRUMBLED) back into pan.

11. Pour the egg mixture over all of this and drag a rubber or wooden spatula across bottom of pan, letting the egg fill in behind spatula (this is important to produce fluffy eggs).

12. Once the egg stops filling in easily, shake pan around and get everything even.

13. Add about 1/2 cup shredded cheese mixture onto top and let cook over medium heat for a few minutes (about 3-4 minutes).

14. Take off burner and add immediately to oven under BROILER.

15. Make sure rack is in the middle of the oven.

16. Let cook until cheese is not only melted, but colored very well, some browning will occur, this is just tasty goodness.

17. Pull from oven, shake pan around a bit to loosen eggs from non-stick surface.

18. If a little help is needed, push sides of fritata with a wooden spatula or spoon to help loosen.

19. Slide off pan onto cutting board or plate and cut in quarters like a pizza.

20. Plate up with some oregano or parsley sprinkled on top.

21. Enjoy.

22. This is very easily altered to your specific tastes by changing or adding ingredients.

23. For instance: Use Parmesan and Mozzerella, add pepperoni and Canadian bacon in place of sausage and bacon.

24. Add oregano and some mushrooms to make a Rustic Italian Fritata.

25. Easy modification.

26. Just be careful, adding too much cheese on top will result in the middle of the eggs not being fully cooked.


