My Easy 'Carbonara'

My Easy 'Carbonara'

1. Boil a large saucepot of water. Whem boiling add a pinch of salt and as much pasta as you like. Cook as on the package.

2. Heat oil on a large pan and add onion and garlic. Don't let them get brown.

3. Add bacon or cold meat and fry with onion and garlic.

4. In a bowl mix grated cheese with cream and oregano.

5. When onion, garlic and bacon are fried (still they can't be brown) add the cheese-cream-oregano mixture and stir.

6. Stir from time to time till cheese is melted.

7. Add salt and pepper as you like.Bring to boil and remove from the heat.

8. Divide pasta into bowls or plates and pour the sauce over it.

9. Bon appetit!


