My Ground Cherry Ketchup

My Ground Cherry Ketchup

1. Mince the onions.

2. Cut green and red mild peppers into pieces as big as a stamp.

3. Pass the spices and the black pepper through the blender to obtain a spice powder.

4. Peel, take away the core and cut the apples in 1 inch pieces.

5. Peel and wash the ground cherries (physalis peruviana) thoroughly.

6. Mix all the ingredients in a big thick cooking pot and bring to a boil, then reduce to medium heat.

7. Let cook until the liquid acquire a syrupy consistency, stirring often to prevent sticking at the bottom of the pot(about 40 minutes).

8. Pour into sterilized Mason jars and close the lids.

9. Verify that the jars are vacuum-sealed.


