My-Rockin'-Couscous Casserole (Moroccan Couscous Casserole)

My-Rockin'-Couscous Casserole (Moroccan Couscous Casserole)

1. Preheat Oven to 400.

2. Combine Onions, Garlic, and Oil in large stirfry pan and sautee over med - medhi heat until Onions soften.

3. Add Butternut Squash, Carrots, Vegetable Stock, pepper, dill weed, and parsley. Bring to boil and cook until vegetables are tender.

4. Add Zuchini and cook until almost tender.

5. Stir in Garbonzo Beans, Tomatos, and Salt to Taste.

6. Boil 2.5 C Water and pour over couscous.

7. Cover and let sit for 5min.

8. Mix Vegetable mixture and Couscous and place in Baking Dish.

9. Cover with Paprika.

10. Bake at 400 for 5-10 minutes until edges just begin to brown.


