

1. *Note: it may take one or two attempts to cook the cheese just right. Keep trying!

2. In a small bowl, grate cheese and set aside.

3. Heat a non-stick pan over medium-high heat until it becomes very warm to the touch.

4. Sprinkle the shredded cheese of choice onto the surface of the pan, spreading out the cheese to the approximate diameter of the tortilla.

5. When the cheese starts to melt, lay the tortilla on top of the cheese and press it down into the melting cheese (this helps the tortilla to adhere.).

6. Let the tortilla sit, undisturbed, in the pan for approximately 30 seconds. Gently test around the edges by sliding a wide spatula under the tortilla. Lift tortilla slightly to check if the cheese has turned golden and is sticking to the tortilla.

7. Once the cheese has stuck, slide the spatula completely under the tortilla and flip it over to brown the other side.

8. Slide tortilla onto a platter.

9. If desired, top with your favorite quesadilla fillings like guacamole, shredded lettuce, salsa, black olives, sour cream, etc.


