N’Dole (Steak And Collard Greens)

N’Dole (Steak And Collard Greens)

1. Chop collard greens in small pieces and blanch in boiling, salted water for 2 minutes maximum. It shouldn’t be too soft.

2. In one pot, boil chopped beef with beef bouillon, onion, salt, celery and parsley. Use the stock from pot to add to the peanut powder (see below).

3. Grind peanuts in blender until peanuts are like a powder. In a large dutch oven, fry peanut powder in a little oil until there is a roasted smell. Stir often, so the peanuts don’t stick to the pot.

4. Add the cooked beef, beef broth to the peanut powder to make a thin sauce. Add ginger and garlic to sauce.

5. Stir and add collard greens to sauce and let the mixture simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.

6. Chop onions and fry in oil until opaque. Sprinkle onions over dish just before serving.


