Negima - Beef Scallion Rolls

Negima - Beef Scallion Rolls

1. Start a charcoal or wood fire or preheat a gas grill or broiler; the fire should be quite hot.

2. Mix together the first 3 ingredients, then soak the scallions or chives in the this mixture while you prepare the meat.

3. Place the meat between 2 layers of wax paper or plastic wrap and pound it gently with a mallet, the bottom of a cast-iron pan, or rolling pin until it is about 1/8 inch thick. Brush one side of each piece of meat with a little soy sauce.

4. Remove the scallions or chives from their soaking liquid and cut them into lengths about the same width as the meat. Place a small bundle of them at one of the narrow ends of each slice, on the soy-brushed side. Roll the long way, securing the roll with a toothpick or two. (You can prepare the rolls in advance up to this point; cover and refrigerate for up to 2 hours before proceeding.) Brush the exterior of the roll with a little of the soaking liquid.

5. Grill or broil until brown on all sides, a total of about 6 minutes for chicken, 4 to 5 minutes for pork or veal, 4 minutes or less for beef.


