Neil Perry'S Chinese Braised Beef Ribs

Neil Perry'S Chinese Braised Beef Ribs

1. TO MAKE THE MARINADE, mix the garlic and hoisin together to create a paste. Combine the ribs with the marinade and set aside overnight in the fridge.

2. FOR THE BRAISING STOCK, pound the shallots and ginger in a mortar and place in a heavy-based saucepan with remaining ingredients. Add the beef, ensuring the liquid just covers the beef.

3. BRING to the boil over high heat, stirring to combine. Reduce heat to low, cover tightly and simmer very gently for about 2 hours or until meat is tender. If the sauce has not reduced to desired consistency, remove the lid and continue to simmer gently and allow sauce to reduce.

4. CHECK the balance of flavours, sprinkle with coriander and serve (in the pot in which it was cooked, if desired, or transferred to a large bowl).


