New Zealand Curried Sausages

New Zealand Curried Sausages

1. In a large deep frying pan or electric frypan, melt butter. Don't let it spread all over the pan but keep in a smallish area.

2. On top of that, as it melts, place spice mixes. Mix the spices into the butter and cook a minute or two till the spice flavour has expanded.

3. Stir sausages through the butter and spice mix.

4. Add onions and carrots and stir through also.

5. Cook a few minutes stirring every now and then, till the sausage and onion are starting to brown a little and the mix is sticking to the pan surface.

6. Add tin tomatoes and stir through. A wooden spatula is easiest for this - and will help you lift the brownings from the surface of the pan to mix through to give extra flavour.

7. Add coconut cream and stir through.

8. Add coconut, sultanas and bananas. Maybe some apple.

9. Simmer all together for 1 - 1 1/2 hours or till the mix is as thick as you want. Try not to use a thickening agent as the flavour is better this way.

10. Season to taste and serve on rice.


