New Zealand - Honeyed Kiwifruit Lamb

New Zealand - Honeyed Kiwifruit Lamb

1. Mix together the lime juice, kiwifruit, honey, and garlic, add the lamb and marinate 2 - 6 hours.

2. Make the salsa by combining the walnuts, lime juice, pears, cucumber, kiwifruit, red onion and herbs, season with salt and pepper to taste.

3. Fry the curry powder in a little oil until fragrant, add the lamb and sauté until golden but still pink inside (3 - 5 minutes). Let rest in a warm place 5 minutes.

4. To Serve: Allow 2 poppadums per person.

5. Layer poppadums with equal quantities of pear salsa and lamb, drizzle with a little of the kiwifruit pan juices and some natural yoghurt.


