Next Door Lady'S Kringla (Norwegian)

Next Door Lady'S Kringla (Norwegian)

1. Beat all the liquids together well in a large bowl.

2. Mix the dry ingredients together well in a medium bowl.

3. Add dry ingredients to liquids.

4. Then add either the vanilla or lemon extract.

5. Refrigerate overnight.

6. Set oven to preheat at 400 degrees.

7. The dough is very sticky.

8. Using a tablespoon, scoop out about a'golf ball size' spoonful of dough.

9. Having your counter or bread board covered with flour (it takes quite a bit to avoid having it stick -- ), drop the spoonful onto the flour and roll it enough to get all the outside coated with a thin film of flour.

10. Then roll the dough like a thin (1/2" thick or slightly less) rope.

11. Putting the rope on your pre-greased cookie sheet, twist the ends over one another one time.

12. Bring the loop at the top down over the twisted ends.

13. That should make the shape you want (a figure eight shape).

14. Put about 12 on each cookie sheet, and begin baking.

15. Put the first cookie sheet on the lower (not at the lowest level, though) rack in your oven.

16. Bake for 6 minutes (be exact -- she set a timer!) then transfer that sheet to the top rack of your oven (if you have an electric oven with the broiler on top, don't put them very close to the heat).

17. Bake another 6 minutes (exact -- ) and take them out.

18. They should be lightly browned on both the top and the bottom, if you have the correct temperature in your oven.


