No Fail Creme Brulee

No Fail Creme Brulee

1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

2. Warm the cream in a small saucepan. Don't bring to a boil, just heat the cream.

3. Meanwhile beat the eggs well in a medium-sized bowl. Add the sugar and beat into the eggs. When cream is heated, add gradually to the eggs while beating. Add vanilla while beating.

4. Prepare the water bath by placing both ramekins in the chosen baking dish. Fill the dish with warm water so it reaches two thirds up the sides of the ramekins. Fill the ramekins with the liquid custard.

5. Bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees. Reduce oven temperature to 275 degrees, and bake for another 30 to 60 minutes until custard is set. Custard is set if it only has a pudding-like jiggle when you gently jostle the ramekin. If it has a liquid-like slosh, keep baking at 275. Chill the custard for at least two hours.

6. Add the garnish by covering the tops of the chilled custards with sugar (it should stick to the top of the custard so you can just pour out the excess). Preheat the broiler. Put the ramekins under the broiler for about a minute or two, leaving the oven or broiler door open. In the alternative, caramelize the sugar with a creme brulee torch.


