No-Bake Lime Refrigerator Cake

No-Bake Lime Refrigerator Cake

1. Blend the two types of milk with the lime juice until well combined.

2. In a bottom of 9-inch round baking dish (or other shape of similar volume), place a layer of cookies. Cover as much of the bottom of the dish as you can. (You may need to break some of the cookies and use little pieces to fit between the whole cookies.).

3. Pour about one fifth of the milk/juice mixture over the cookies and spread evenly.

4. Repeat layers of cookies and milk mixture until ingredients run out. Have the top layer be milk mixture.

5. Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight. The liquid will be absorbed by the cookies, leaving layers of softened cookies interspersed with creamy sweet goodness.

6. When ready to serve, cut into wedges or squares. If desired, top with fresh or canned fruit. (Fresh black raspberries are my favorite for this.).


