Nutritious And Versatile Steamed Egg

Nutritious And Versatile Steamed Egg

1. Beat eggs, one at a time, in a bowl.

2. Add water, salt and white pepper powder.

3. Pour into a serving bowl- preferably, stainless steel or ceramic.

4. Steam for 8 minutes.

5. Now heat oil in a pan.

6. Add garlic and spring onion.

7. Stir-fry for a few minutes till the raw smell of garlic is gone.

8. Remove from heat and put on the steamed egg.

9. Put soya sauce in a bowl.

10. Add water and sugar to the soya sauce and mix well.

11. Pour this mixture over the steamed egg.

12. Add a tsp.

13. of chopped tomato and a tsp.

14. of the green portion of the spring onions as a garnish and serve immediately.


