Nutty Cherry Meringue Cake

Nutty Cherry Meringue Cake

1. Cream the butter and 3 ounces of the sugar until light and fluffy.

2. Mix in the egg yolks.

3. Using a metal spoon, fold in the flour and milk.

4. Pour into two 6-inch lined and greased cake tins.

5. Whisk the egg whites until stiff; fold in the remaining sugar and the hazelnuts.

6. Spoon the meringue over the cake mixture.

7. Bake for 45 minutes at 300°F.

8. Cool on a wire rack.

9. Cut most of the cherries in half; fold into most of the cream.

10. Spread one half of the cake with the filling, and place the top in position.

11. Serve decorated with piped cream and the remaining black cherries.


