Oaxacan Flan

Oaxacan Flan

1. In a saucepan, add the fist 4 ingredients.

2. Heat on low for 10 minutes making sure that the mixture does not boil.

3. In a mixing bowl place egg yolks, eggs and almond extract.

4. Add mixture mixing slowly and let sit for 10 minutes.

5. Now slowly add the gelatin while stirring.

6. Caramel:.

7. Cook sugar in saute pan at medium heat for 3 minutes or until lightly caramelized.

8. Pour caramel in a 6" round ceramic dish and let sit for 2 minutes.

9. Pour mixture prepared earlier in caramelized dish and place in refrigerator to cool.

10. Before serving, you need to scrape the side of the ceramic with a spatula to loosen the caramel.

11. Turn over into a serving plate.


