Oeufs Quebecois (Eggs Quebec)

Oeufs Quebecois  (Eggs Quebec)

1. The hollandaise sauce: beat the egg yolks and lemon juice lightly and add salt. You can add a pinch of white pepper too.

2. Melt the 4 1/2 ounces butter until it just starts to foam. Keep whisking the egg yolks and pour in the hot butter in a thin, steady stream. Whisk or beat all the time, until you have a thick, smooth sauce. Keep warm in a bowl over hot water, but the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water.

3. Melt the butter in a pot, then add the spinach and cook until completely wilted. Put in a sieve over a bowl, and press out all the liquid when cool enough. Keep warm. (Or make ahead, cover and put in fridge. Reheat when needed).

4. Poach the eggs carefully and lightly until the whites are just cooked -- especially if you are going to keep them in cold water and reheat them again. It's easy to overcook such eggs. If serving soon, drain on kitchen paper and keep warm,.

5. Halve the English muffins and toast.

6. Butter the hot muffins, put some warmed spinach on each muffin half and put the same amount of nicely folded salmon on each. Put a hot poached egg on top of the salmon, then pour some hollandaise over each helping, and serve.


