Oh Wow! That'S A Friggin' Good Margarita!

Oh Wow!  That'S A Friggin' Good Margarita!

1. Make sure you are using cheap tequila. You will not taste it, so why pay for quality tequila? Save the good stuff for shots. Also, make sure your cocktail or margarita mix IS a high quality mix.

2. In two (2) one gallon containers add equal amounts of each of the following: Tequila, Triple Sec, Margarita Mix, Orange Juice, Roses Lime Juice and fresh squeezed lime juice. I use milk jugs, so I can put on the lids and shake vigorously to mix.

3. Shake vigorously and mix.

4. At your preference, these can be made in advance and refrigerated. However, serving them warm, over ice will dilute the alcohol a little more and make it a little harder to detect.

5. -- To garnish glasses --

6. In a wide, flat bottomed bowl pour enough Rose's lime juice about 1/8 of an inch deep.

7. In another wide, flat bottomed bowl pour about 1/2 an inch of kosher salt.

8. Invert your glass into the lime juice, and wet the rim of the glass.

9. Then invert your glass into the bowl of salt.

10. Add ice, pour your margarita and finish with the lime wheel/wedge.

11. ** FOR A SINGLE MARGARITA ** 2 oz Tequila, 1 oz Triple Sec, 2 oz Mragarita Mix, ½ Tablespoon OJ (a splash), ½ teaspoon Roses Lime Juice (a half splash) and squeeze the juice from the lime you are going to use as a gernish. Rim with salt.


