Old Fashioned Coconut And Rose Water Macaroons

Old Fashioned Coconut And Rose Water Macaroons

1. Mix the coconut and sugar, add the cream, a little rosewater, a spot of food colouring if using it, and enough egg-white to bind together in a firm paste.

2. Use teaspoons or dessertspoons, dipped in water, to shape small oval quenelles, or use a mould to shape them into pyramids. Place them on a baking-sheet, lined with rice paper, and bake in a pre-heated oven at gas mark 3/170 C for 15 to 20 minutes, until they are just set and still pale.

3. Remove them from the oven, top each with a piece of crystallised rose petal, and leave to cool on a wire rack.

4. Small pieces of glacé cherries can be substituted for the rose petals. When the macaroons are baked you can dip them in a little melted chocolate and leave it to set if you wish too.


