Old World Potato Salad

Old World Potato Salad

1. Boil the potatoes until tender, then peel and slice into 1/4 inch rounds. Place the sliced potatoes into large bowl.

2. Slice the onion into approximately 1/4 inch half-slices. Place these on top of the potatoes.

3. *Omit bacon for kosher or vegetarian preparation. Soy mayonnaise can be substituted for vegan preparation.

4. Cook the bacon until crispy, then chop finely, and place on top of potatoes and onions.

5. Add the oil and vinegar together in a small saucepan, then bring to a boil. You can use more if you like your potato salad tangier (as I do), but always use equal amounts of oil and vinegar. When the mixture reaches a boil, remove from the heat and pour over the potato/onion/bacon mixture.

6. Toss the whole mixture lightly. It's best to do the previous steps the night before serving the salad to allow the potatoes to marinate. If you can't manage overnight, allow at least a couple of hours for best flavor.

7. Toss with mayonnaise until coated to taste just before serving.


