One Bowl Midnight Mocha Madness

One Bowl Midnight  Mocha  Madness

1. Throw first 10 ingredients into a bowl.

2. With an electric mixer at low speed, mix until ingredients are all moistened.

3. Scrape down bowl and turn mixer to high speed.

4. Mix for 3 minutes.

5. Divide between three 8" round greased cake pans and bake at 350F for 30-35 minutes.

6. Whip cream with instant coffee and sugar.

7. Place first layer of cooled cake on serving plate and top with half of the whipped cream.

8. Cover with the second layer and put the other half of the cream on.

9. Top with third layer.

10. Heat the ready made frosting for about 15 seconds in the microwave, until just pourable.

11. Pour over the top of the cake to make a glaze. The whipped cream will peek out of the sides.

12. Once the actual cake is made, the assembly only takes a couple of minutes, and it will look like you are a kitchen magician.


