Onion Soup With Camembert Gratine' - Gratin

Onion Soup With Camembert Gratine' - Gratin

1. In a large saucepan, cook the onions in the butter over moderately low heat, stirring occasionally for 10 minutes or until they are softened.

2. Stir in wine, stock, fine herbes, salt and pepper to taste.

3. Bring liquid to a boil, simmer the soup for 20 minutes.

4. Discard rind of cheese and spread 1 side of each bread slice withthe Camembert.

5. Put bread on baking sheet and into a preheated broiler 4-inches from heat for 2 to 3 minutes to melt cheese.

6. Ladle soup into heated bowls and top with a bread slice, cheese side up, in each bowl.

7. Makes about 7 cups, serves 6.


