Orange And Brazil Nut Squares

Orange And Brazil Nut Squares

1. In bowl, beat together 1/2 cup/125 mL of the butter with icing sugar until light and fluffy; beat in rind.

2. Whisk together flour, cardamom (if using) and salt; stir into butter mixture in 2 additions.

3. Line 9-inch/ 2.5 L square metal cake pan with parchment paper, leaving 1-inch/2.5 cm hanging over sides.

4. With floured hands, pat dough into pan. Bake in centre of 350°F/180°C oven until lightly coloured, 15 to 17 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, in small saucepan, bring remaining butter, brown sugar, orange juice and marmalade to boil, stirring constantly.

6. Remove from heat and stir in nuts.

7. Spread over cookie base; bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes.

8. Let cool slightly, about 5 minutes; lift from pan and, using chef's knife, cut into squares. Let cool on rack.


