Orange Rice

Orange Rice

1. Melt butter in a pan over medium heat. Add rice to the butter and saute until the rice becomes golden brown. Stir frequently to avoid becoming over brown.

2. Add Orange Zest, dried fruit and stir for 2 minutes. This will allow the zest to give up it's oils.

3. Add Chicken broth, Orange Juice, salt, pepper and mandarin oranges to the rice mixture. Let mixture come to a boil, then turn heat down to low.

4. Allow mixture to cook uncovered until the liquid level reaches the top of the rice, then cover with a tight lid.

5. Rice is ready to be used as a stuffing at this point. Stuff poultry loosely, as the rice will continue to swell as it finishes cooking.

6. If dish is going to be used as a side dish, continue cooking for another 15 minutes, then turn off burner and allow to set until you are ready to serve.


