Orange Truffles From The Farmhouse

Orange Truffles From The Farmhouse

1. Place 1 cup, plus 2 T. choco chips in blender; process about 30 seconds (some of the chips won't pulverize).

2. In a small bowl, zap cream and butter on high in microwave until ALMOST boiling.

3. While blender is running, GRADUALLY pour in hot liquid AND EXTRACT over choco chips--steady stream, continue processing until smooth.

4. Pour out of blender into bowl; chill for 20-30 minutes (firm); roll into 1-inch balls; set aside.

5. Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper; set aside.

6. In microwave, zap shortening & remaining choco chips for 1 minute, stir; then in 10-second intervals until melted; stir until smooth.

7. Dip truffle balls into chocolate; place on waxed paper to harden.

8. In a zippered baggie, melt vanilla chips for 15 seconds, squeeze to smooth; continue at 5-second intervals.

9. With a very sharp scissors, cut a small hole in one corner of the bag. Drizzle elegantly over truffles.

10. Store in covered container, refrigerated.


