Oregano Lamb Steaks With Lemon, Olive Oil And Feta Cheese Mash

Oregano Lamb Steaks With Lemon, Olive Oil And Feta Cheese Mash

1. Rip the tender little leaves off the oregano sprigs and place into a bowl with the olive oil. Crumble in the feta cheese. Season, to taste, with freshly ground black pepper, then add the chopped spring onions and lemon juice and mix everything together gently, mashing some of the cheese.

2. Heat a griddle pan until hot, season the lamb steaks with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and brush each steak with a little olive oil before placing on the hot griddle. Cook for a few minutes one each side, or until lightly crisp - I like mine still pink in the middle.

3. Pop the pitta breads into a toaster or under the grill for a minute or two, until they are puffy and hot; carefully cut them into three pieces and place on the serving plate.

4. Place the lamb steaks on top of the hot, cut pitta bread and while they are still sizzling, gently spoon over the feta and herb mash. Eat immediately, while all is hot, herbal and piquant! Serve with jacket potatos, fresh mixed salad leaves and a good glass of wine.


