Oriental Beef And Noodle Soup

Oriental Beef And Noodle Soup

1. Place noodles in bowl, cover with boiling water and let stand 15 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, bring stock to boil in medium saucepan; reduce heat and keep warm.

3. Heat vegetable oil in large skillet or wok over high heat.

4. Add beef, half of green onions and 3 tablespoons ginger and stir-fry until beef is no longer pink, about 4 minutes.

5. Add bok choy and stir-fry 1 minute.

6. Add to stock along with remaining green onions,remaining 2 tablespoons of ginger,soy sauce, sesame oil and pepper and bring to a simmer.

7. Drain noodles and divide among bowls;ladle soup over.

8. Serve, passing additional sesame oil and soy sauce.


