Orzo Summa Domae (Greek Orzo Salad)

Orzo Summa Domae (Greek Orzo Salad)

1. Cook orzo per package directions.

2. Roast the red pepper:

3. Quarter the pepper, remove stem and seeds. Broil the pepper skin side up until skins blisters and blackens, about 8-10 minutes.

4. Immediately put the pepper in a bowl, cover it with a lid or plastic wrap, and let stand for 15-20 minutes.

5. Peel off and discard the charred skin.

6. Chop the pepper.

7. Combine the orzo, roasted red pepper, pistachios, green onions, olives, parsley and oregano in a large bowl.

8. Combine all the dressing ingredients together in a small bowl and whisk together.

9. Pour dressing over orzo mixture, tossing gently to coat.

10. Refrigerate.

11. Before serving, crumble 1/2 cup feta cheese over top of salad (or gently combine into salad if you prefer).


