Orzo With Baked Shrimps

Orzo With Baked Shrimps

1. Put in a pot, the water ,the vegetables (zucchini, carrots, tomatoes), the wine and season with salt and pepper.

2. Boil for 15 minutes and let it cool for 15 minutes. Then by using an electric blender blend until smooth.

3. Put it again in the same pot and when it boils cook the orzo for 7 minutes. Drain.

4. In the meanwhile arrange the shrimps in a baking paper and season with salt, pepper, curry and the clove.

5. Bake in preheated oven at 400°F for 15 minutes.

6. Mix the olive oil with the lemon juice for a simple vinaigrette.

7. Serve the orzo, add the shrimps on top and the add the vinaigrette sauce.


