Our Favorite Chicken And Coconut Soup - Thai Style

Our Favorite Chicken And Coconut Soup - Thai Style

1. Heat oil in a large stock pot Add the lemon grass, ginger, garlic, and onion and stir fry for about one minute.

2. Add the curry paste and Tom Kha soup mix paste and stir fry for about 30 seconds.

3. Add the chicken stock, fish sauce, and sugar and bring to a boil.

4. Reduce heat to low and simmer for about 15 minutes.

5. Slice the baby corn vertically into four pieces so that the corn resembles small strips.

6. Add the corn to the pot and simmer for 10 minutes.

7. Add the coconut milk, chicken, mushrooms, tomato, lime juice, hot sauce, and pepper flakes.

8. Simmer until the chicken is no longer pink, about 5 to 10 minutes.

9. Taste the soup and add more sugar, lime juice, or hot sauce, depending on your taste.

10. I usually add one more TBS of sugar.

11. Serve the soup garnished with cilantro leaves.

12. Note: If you have leftovers, the coconut milk will separate from the chicken broth when chilled.

13. Simply warm the soup back up and stir to blend.


