Oven Bake Zucchini Bruschetta

Oven Bake Zucchini Bruschetta

1. Wash zucchini, cut into thin slices and toss in a large nonstick skillet with the garlic and olive oil.

2. After a couple of minutes, add salt, pepper and flavor with half of the chopped mint and parsley.

3. Beat the eggs in a bowl with a whisk, add the cream, a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper and dip the slices of bread, one by one.

4. Arrange the slices of bread in a buttered pan; spread over a few tablespoons of zucchini.

5. Continue layering until you run out the ingredients.

6. Cook the bruschettoni in oven at 180 for 25 minutes, or until they are golden on the surface.

7. Remove from the oven and before serving, sprinkle with the remaining chopped herbs and a little of hot pepper flakes.


