Oven Bbq Brisket

Oven Bbq Brisket

1. With a small knife, pierce top and sides of brisket 1 inch deep every 2 inches.

2. Insert garlic slice in each cut.

3. Place meat, fat side up, in shallow baking pan.

4. Pour 1 cup beer over meat.

5. Cover with foil and bake at 300°F for 2 hours.

6. Remove meat from pan.

7. Drain liquid, reserving 1/2-cup.

8. Return meat and reserved liquid to pan.

9. Combine remaining beer, barbecue sauce.

10. Pour over meat.

11. Continue baking, uncovered, for 1 hour or until meat is tender.

12. Variation; Add a small can of green chiles, put it through the blender and mix with the barbecue sauce and then do the recipe the same way.


