Pakistani Fish Curry

Pakistani Fish Curry

1. Heat oil in a pot.

2. Add onions and saute until brown.

3. Grind the onions.

4. Put the ground onions in a large mixing bowl.

5. Add yoghurt to the ground onions.

6. Add fish pieces to this, mix well and marinate the fish in this mixture for 2 hours.

7. In the same oil which was used to saute the onions, add the methi seeds.

8. Allow to sizzle a bit, then remove them once they turn brown.

9. Add ginger-garlic paste to the same oil.

10. Saute until the raw smell is gone.

11. Add red chilli and turmeric powders.

12. Mix well and continue to stir-fry for a few minutes.

13. Add the marinated fish pieces.

14. Add half a glass of water and mix well.

15. Keep on low flame for 10 minutes.

16. Garnish with corriander leaves.

17. Serve hot with chappatis.


