P&Amp;#260;Czki (Polish Doughnuts)

P&Amp;#260;Czki (Polish Doughnuts)

1. Combine yeast with half a cup of warm milk, a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of sugar

2. Let it rise for about 10 minutes.

3. In the meantime, melt the butter and let it cool off a bit.

4. Whisk the egg yolks with the egg, the remaining sugar and the vanilla extract in a large bowl.

5. Add the yeast mixture, the rest of the milk and the rum.

6. Sift flour and add about 3/4 of it to the bowl.

7. Start kneading, adding enough flour so that the dough no longer sticks to your hands. Once it stops sticking add the melted butter and knead it inches.

8. Leave thr dough to rise until it has doubled its volume.

9. Roll out the dough and with a bicuit cutter or a glass cut out 30 rounds.

10. Place about a teaspoon of jam in the center and close the dough so that the jam is inside.

11. Place on a floured board, seam side down and let rise.

12. Heat oil in a large pot and fry each paczek on both sides until they turn a deep golden brown, about a minute and a half per side.

13. Remove to a paper towel to absorb the extra grease.

14. Optional: You can sift some powdered sugar over the top.


