Pan De Yuca (Colombian Cheese Bread)

Pan De Yuca (Colombian Cheese Bread)

1. Using your hands, combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

2. Knead until very thick and firm, about 5 minutes.

3. Turn out onto a dry surface and divide into 4 pieces.

4. Shape each piece into a ball and flatten slightly.

5. Divide each disc into six pieces.

6. Roll each piece between palms to form a 4 inch long cylinder.

7. Repeat with remaining discs.

8. Rolls can be covered and refrigerated at this point up to 2 weeks.

9. Preheat oven to 550ºF and arrange rolls on baking sheets. (The recipe doesn't say if they are to be greased or not so maybe I'll use parchment paper just in case.).

10. Bake until brown and crisp about 6-8 minutes. Serve warm.


