Pan Dushi (Antillean Sweet Bread)

Pan Dushi (Antillean Sweet Bread)

1. Dissolve yeast in warm water.

2. Stir in 1 1/2 cup flour and let set about 15 minutes.

3. Add vanilla, almond flavoring, and baking powder.

4. Add margarine and anise seed.

5. Chop fruit with water in blender.

6. Add fruit and egg to yeast mixture.

7. Add milk, salt, sugar, and enough flour until dough stops sticking to side of bowl (may be up to 4 1/2 cups).

8. Knead into a soft dough.

9. Place dough in greased bowl; cover; and let rise until doubled in size.

10. Punch down dough and shape into round rolls; place in greased baking pans.

11. Let rise.

12. (large rolls could be about the size of softballs, while small rolls could be about the size of baseballs, after rising).

13. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

14. Brush with a mixture of brown sugar and a little water.

15. Serve warm with butter or margarine.

16. YUM!


