Panna Cotta

Panna Cotta

1. Sprinkle the gelatin over the cold water; let stand for 5 minutes.

2. In a 3-qt. saucepan, warm the cream with the sugar, salt, and vanilla over medium-high heat. DO NOT LET IT BOIL!

3. Stir in the gelatin until throughly dissolved.

4. Take the cream off the heat and cool about 5 minutes.

5. Put the sour cream in a medium bowl.

6. Gently whisk in the warm cream a little at a time until smooth.

7. Taste for sweetness; it may need another teaspoon of sugar.

8. Rinse 2/3 cup ramekins, custard cups, or coffee cups with cold water (do not wipe out).

9. Fill each one 3/4 full with the cream.

10. Chill for 4-24 hours.

11. To serve, either unmold by packing cups in hot towels and then turning each out on a dessert plate, or serve in their containers.

12. Serve alone or with fruit, drizzled liqueor, or purred raspberries.


