Paris Mash

Paris Mash

1. *I didn't want to fuss with peeling hot potatoes, so I peeled them before boiling. The recipe says boil them unpeeled and then peel while warm - suit yourself - I don't think I did any harm peeling them first.

2. So, bring a large saucepan of water to a boil, add a good tablespoon of salt, and add your potatoes, whole, peeled or unpeeled, and cook until you can poke a skewer or sharp knife through them with no resistance at all.

3. Remove potatoes when cooked, and peel if necessary.

4. Now, the recipe says to pass them, in batches, through a mouli or a potato ricer before beating in the heated milk, cream and butter with a wooden spoon - but I don't have a mouli or a ricer, and, if you don't have them either, move on to the next step!

5. Use a potato masher to smash the potatoes down roughly.

6. Combine the milk and cream in a jug and heat for about 1 minute on HIGH in the microwave.

7. Now, using a wooden spoon, gradually beat in the hot liquid and the sliced butter, in turns, until well combined.

8. Next comes the 'tricky bit'. To get it really smooth without the benefit of fancy equipment, you need to use a stick mixer - but if you overdo it, the potato will go gluey, so you have to be careful!

9. Using an electric stick mixer, just stab into the potatoes about 4-6 times, moving the mixer to different positions - no more than about 15-20 seconds in all.

10. Taste, add salt and pepper as required.

11. Then stir briefly again to make sure the mash is beautifully smooth.

12. Serve immediately.

13. The Paris Mash will keep in the refrigerator for a day or two and it re-heats very happily in the microwave.

14. Perfect served with your favourite casserole.


