Parisienne Steaks

Parisienne Steaks

1. Prepare your potatoes by scooping out small round potatoes from peeled potatoes, with the help of a potato baller, or buy the small new ones.

2. Blanch the potatoes in salted boiling water for 6 to 7 minutes.

3. Drain and set aside.

4. Blanch the carrots in salted boiling water for 6 minutes and set them aside.

5. Melt 2 Tbsp.

6. of margarine in a large frying pan until it starts to foam.

7. Add the steaks and cook them for 6 to 7 minutes on each side over medium high heat.

8. After the steaks have been seared 3 minutes on each side, season them with salt and pepper.

9. Turn the steaks over every 3 minutes during the cooking process.

10. Transfer the medium rare steaks to a service platter.

11. If you like your steaks medium increase the cooking time by 1 minute on each side and by another minute on each side for well done.

12. While the steaks are cooking, steam your broccoli 6 minutes.

13. Arrange the broccoli on the service platter.

14. Heat the remaining margarine in the frying pan.

15. Add the potatoes, the carrots and the small cherry tomatoes, season to taste and cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat.

16. Add the vegetables to the service platter and serve.


