

1. Lightly oil the surface of a jelly roll pan.

2. In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, bring honey, salt and 1 cup water to a boil and let cook, stirring constantly, until candy thermometer reaches 250°F ("firmball stage").

3. Quickly stir in crushed nuts, crushed zwieback and lemon zest and remove from heat.

4. Spread honey mixture over the surface of jelly roll pan, forming a rectangle about 1/2" thick.

5. Smooth the top with an oiled spatula, sprinkle sesame seeds liberally over the top and use the spatula to press seeds into the surface.

6. Let cool a bit, then while still somewhat warm and elastic, cut across with diagonal lines to form strips, then cut the strips into little diamonds.

7. Wrap individually in small squares of waxed paper and store in airtight container.


