Pastitsio (Pastizzio) Soup

Pastitsio (Pastizzio) Soup

1. Brown hamburger in skillet, drain.

2. Cook macaroni until almost done, drain.

3. Set aside hamburger and macaroni.

4. Scald milk in medium large pot. Remove from heat.

5. While milk is scalding, melt butter in a skillet, add flour, cook until light brown. Remove from heat.

6. Gradually pour scalded milk into flour mixture, whisking as you pour.

7. Once you get about half the milk in the flour mixture start to pour the flour/milk mixture in to the milk left in the pot. Whisk as you pour to prevent lumps.

8. Turn heat on medium low, add the remaining ingredients, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer the soup for 1 hr to thicken and finish cooking the pasta.


