Paul'S Spinach Lasagna

Paul'S Spinach Lasagna

1. Boil water in a large enough PAN to set the lasagna noodles. Add the olive oil to the water, and season the water according to your preference (i use roasted bell pepper and garlic seasoning). Once the water is at boil, add the lasagna noodles one at a time. Once all the noodles are in the water, bring to a boil, then set to medium for a slow boil. Cook the noodles, drain the boiling water, and then add cold water and set the noodles aside.

2. Finely chop the onion, green pepper, and mushrooms. In a large oiled saucepan, add the onions and simmer until they are translucent. Add the green pepper to the saucepan, and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then, add the mushrooms and cook until all the moisture is not visible. Add various Italian spices for additional flavor. This will be the Vegetable Mixture.

3. Thaw the spinach. In a large bowl, add the spinach and the Ricotta cheese. Grate the Romano and/or Parmesan cheese. Add the Romano, Parmesan, and Mozzarella cheeses to the bowl. This will be the Cheese Mixture.

4. In a 13x9 casserole or cookware dish (deep), layer the lasagna accordingly: Marinara sauce, Vegetable Mixture, Cheese Mixture, and then lasagne noodles (dry the wet noodles first before adding). Do 3-5 layers depending on your ingredients. The last lasagna layer should be covered with various cheeses, just make sure you use Mozzarella. Also top with Oregano for additional flavor.

5. Preheat oven to 375. Once temperature is met, set the lasagna on the middle rack for approximately 30 mins, or until the top is a golden brown. Add additional warm Marinara sauce on top if desired with each serving.


