Peasant-Style Greek Chicken

Peasant-Style Greek Chicken

1. Place chicken in a shallow baking dish.

2. Arrange potatoes and garlic around chicken.

3. Mix together lemon juice and olive oil, salt and pepper, and pour evenly over chicken and potatoes.

4. Add just enough water until potatoes are almost about covered.

5. Cover chicken and pototoes with 2 Tbsps. of oregano.

6. Cover with foil and bake at 350ºF. for 20 minutes.

7. Uncover,

turn chicken; stir potatoes; and sprinkle on remaining oregano.

8. If potatoes aren't at least half-covered with liquid, add more water.

9. Return to oven for about 25-30 minutes.

10. Chicken is done when both sides are lightly browned and potatoes are soft.

11. Good served with crisp bread or pita.


