Pecan Dumplings With Caramel Raisin Sauce 1968 (Ontario Cda)

Pecan Dumplings With Caramel Raisin Sauce 1968 (Ontario Cda)

1. Place all sauce ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a nice even simmer.

2. I get the sauce going so it can start to thicken while you are preparing the dumplings.

3. In a bowl add dry ingredients and combine well.

4. In a cup measure the milk and butter and simmer in microwave until the butter has melted.

5. Pour warm milk onto the dry ingredients and combine with the nuts, mix well, and knead three times.

6. Roll into balls, if too sticky just drop 8 portions onto the simmering sauce.

7. Cover with lid and cook at an even simmer 10 to 12 minutes until done.

8. Uncover slightly and let sit four minutes on low, just to continue thickening the sauce underneath.

9. Remove to bowls and serve with some sauce and raisins and a small portion of pouring cream on top.


