Peking Lamb

Peking Lamb

1. Place lamb in a large pot and add spices, green onions, soy sauce and sherry.

2. Cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Cover and reduce to a simmer.

3. Cook for a further 2 hours to cook through.

4. Meanwhile trim leeks and cut in half lenghtways and soak in cold waterto remove grit.

5. Lift lamb out of pot and drain well. Reserve liquid (160mls) (and a bit more in another cup) and add the rest of the sauce ingredients to the pot.

6. Bring to the boil and add the lamb, cover, reduce heat and cook 15 minutes turning to coat in the sauce.

7. Slice leeks at an angle. Add to the pot, cover and cook a further 5-10 minutes. If necessary add some more reserved stock.

8. Take off heat and rest lamb for 10 minutes. Then slice. finely.

9. Arrange on a serving platter with a little reserved sauce.

10. Allow everyone to make their own pancakes/wraps.


