Penne Allarabiata

Penne Allarabiata

1. Put Penne on to boil with salt and olive oil in water.

2. In a decent, large frying pan, heat oil.

3. Add onions and bacon.

4. Cook over high heat.

5. When onions and bacon have softened a little, reduce heat and add garlic and chilli Cook until onions are very soft and bacon is cooked.

6. Add to frying pan, tomatoes, basil, oregano and rosemary.

7. Let simmer for about 5 minutes, you may need to add water if sauce is looking scant.

8. Taste and add salt, pepper and cayenne.

9. Chillis vary in temperature so you may need no extra heat or some.

10. Let sauce simmer for about 10 more minutes to allow flavours to mingle.

11. Drain pasta and stir into sauce before serving.

12. Excellent with fresh parsley and parmesan.


